Stretch Yourself
As you envision the next year, let your imagination, not fears guide your aspirations. Even if you stretch yourself to try something new but stumble, when you get up, you will be all the better for it. Making mistakes enhances learning. Trust me, I failed lots of times! Don't fear being wrong - erring and learning may actually be the reason to take a chance! Go ahead and try something new or something that you always wanted to do!
As part of my New Years Resolution, I am going to keep up with my blog weekly, start a Friday Inspiration board and keep up with a month newsletter. I know, crazy, but still doable. I am actually also trying to manage my time better as a mother, wife and business owner. Being more organized is one of my heftier goals for the New Year! My husband is actually quite happy to hear of the later! No more late phone calls as to where one of kids was supposed to be a half hour ago.
Wishing you all a very wonderful start to the new year and good luck with your aspirations and goals for this year! I would love to hear all about them! Please share.